Monday, February 22, 2010

Stargate Facebook Parody- Sam likes Neil deGrasse Tyson

DISCLAIMER: These are intended as parody! I do not own any of these images, I do not own the characters. No copyright infringement is intended and I'm certainly not making any money off this fan art. If requested I will absolutely remove these pictures. Stargate SG-1 is owned by MGM and the Syfy channel.
It's an absolutely amazing show that you should all watch.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stargate SG-1 Facebook Parodies

DISCLAIMER: These are intended as parody!  I do not own any of these images, I do not own the characters.  No copyright infringement is intended and I'm certainly not making any money off this fan art.  If requested I will absolutely remove these pictures.  Stargate SG-1 is owned by MGM and the Syfy channel.
It's an absolutely amazing show that you should all watch.

Now, to the goodies.  I couldn't help myself.  Ever since I saw the Star Wars facebooks, I've been wanting to play around with these.  I hope I can do more some other time, but here are my first few...



Monday, February 8, 2010

Lost Season 6 Premiere

As I try to keep all my reviews spoiler free, this is a SERIOUSLY tough one to do that with!

Definitely liked it, and it was SO worth the wait.  It was quite heavy on the supernatural.  Though most of Lost seems that way to me.  It's sci fi, but it's supernatural/mythological too.  I enjoy those aspects of it.  I thought it was all very interesting and well done, I can't wait until the next episode.  I also think I might know what is going on... I have a few good theories at least. I should look up one of those Lost theory sites (or livejournal communities) and post them.

It's such a good show, and shows another side of what sci fi, and yeah, even fantasy, can be.  For that reason I think it's HUGELY important to the genre.

Gah.  I really want to post spoilers, but I just don't think that's the right thing to do on a blog, especially less than a week after the initial airing of a show.   ^__^