Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stargate SG-1 Facebook Parodies

DISCLAIMER: These are intended as parody!  I do not own any of these images, I do not own the characters.  No copyright infringement is intended and I'm certainly not making any money off this fan art.  If requested I will absolutely remove these pictures.  Stargate SG-1 is owned by MGM and the Syfy channel.
It's an absolutely amazing show that you should all watch.

Now, to the goodies.  I couldn't help myself.  Ever since I saw the Star Wars facebooks, I've been wanting to play around with these.  I hope I can do more some other time, but here are my first few...




  1. Hilarious! I especially loved Jack's account getting hacked and when he asks Carter if FB can buy him a beer. LOL

    You should definitely do more. I wonder if Teal'c is a fan of Vagina Monolouges? ;-)

  2. "I wonder if Teal'c is a fan of Vagina Monolouges?"
    Teal'c- "Indeed I am"
    This is too funny. I hope you can continue with it. Like maybe a weekly thing.
