Friday, January 15, 2010


Whoa. I  am so geeked for the Sanctuary finale tonight on  Syfy that I could pee myself!  I won't, but I could. From the production stills, I can tell is going to look so GOSH DARN LOVELY!  Anyway, that's my shuper happy face!

On to the (quick) fannish blogging, which I owe you!

So, did see Battlestar Galactica: The Plan.  And it was good.  Better than I expect. I wasn't very geeked for it, because, honestly, BSG is over and done, and Caprica is different (though exciting), and I wanted to see The Plan, but I didn't feel desperate for it.  Watching though, I really liked it.  I shall try not to be spoilery, but still hit on highlights.

All the parts with the Chief.  The Five being a total idiot.  Brother Cavil being psychopathic. Sixes being ultimate sex, like they do.  And Boomer.  Oh, Boomer.  I do think we needed and deserved to see what was going through Boomer's frakked up and conflicted little mind.  So that was all kinds of wonderful.  I will have to watch the finale again, knowing now what I do of Boomer from The Plan, and see how that meshes.

Also, watched the Chuck season premiere, but missed the next episode the very next night!  Hulu? Maybe? Anyway, it was fun and enjoyable and pretty much what I expect out of Chuck.  The "No more Mr. Nice Spy" thing is a total misnomer, imho.  But yes, Chuck is clearly developing as a character.  He is so much pure hero, and so little anti-hero.  It's very cute. Is it enough to make me skip watching House?  This week it was not.  Sorry NBC!

 I have begun watching Supernatural.  Slowly and carefully.  I need to get more familiar with all the sci fi TV out there, and Supernatural is a pretty big hit.  I can't tell if it's more sci-fi or horror/action, yet.  It's interesting, and I want to watch more, even if I'm constantly in fear of things jumping out and scaring the bajeebus out of me.

And that's it for now.  Getting incredibly excited for Sanctuary "Kali" on Syfy.  Less than 2 hours. I am so stoked!

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